NationalDigital Library isa initiative by Ministry of Education and it is a huge collection of resources(68 lakh books), where you can read online or download the books from primaryto research level. Anybody can use it free of charge. To register goto:
Shodhganga a reservoir of Indian theses isa digital repository of theses and dissertations submitted to Indianuniversities. It is maintained by INFLIBNET Centre of the UGC. The repository has acollection of 1,05,510 theses and 3485 synopses online. For access pleasego to:
WorldE-Book Library - The WorldLibrary Foundationis the world's largest aggregator of eBooks. Foundedin 1996, theWorld Library Foundation is a global coordinated effort topreserve and disseminate historical books, classic works ofliterature, serials, bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and otherheritage works. For more details, you may Click Here.
Free e-Books
· he Universal Digital Library - The UniversalDigital Library is the collection of all the significant literary, artistic,and scientific works of mankind which has been made freely available, inevery corner of the world, for education, study, and appreciation and that ofall our future generations. For more details, visit
· Million Book Project - The Million BookProject (or the Universal Library) was a book digitization projectled by Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science andUniversity Libraries from 2007-2008. Working with government and researchpartners in India (Digital Library of India) and China, theproject scanned books in many languages, using OCR to enable fulltext searching, and providing free-to-read access to the books on the web. Asof 2007, they have completed the scanning of 1 million books and have made theentire catalog accessible online. --
Open Courseware
Open Education Consortium -a global network of educational institutions, individuals and organizationsthat support an approach to education based on openness, includingcollaboration, innovation and collective development and use of openeducational materials. The Open Education Consortium is a non-profit, socialbenefit organization registered in the United States and operatingworldwide.
Open Courseware (OCW) Sitesfor a Free Education
1. MIT Open Courseware -
2. Open Courseware Consortium -
3. Yale OCW -
4. Open. Michigan, University of Michigan OCW -
5. John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health OCW -
6. Harvard Medical School OCW -
7. Carnegie Mellon OCW -
8. Notre Dame OCW -
10. UC Berkeley OCW -
MIT Open Courseware -